Simple Motors Limited
Transport Department Designated Car Testing Centre
Address: Shop 2, 1/F, Wah Wai Centre, 38-40 Au Pui Wan Street, Fo Tan, Shatin, N.T.
電話 Telephone: 25271577
傳真 Fax: 25271312
電郵 Email: simplemotorshk@gmail.com
WhatsApp: 66268662
「* 網上預約驗車需時一個工作天,如需即日驗車,請直接致電25271577查詢。」「* It takes one working day for processing the MOT online booking. For reservation on the same day, please call 25271577.」
目前政府強制出廠滿6年的私家車,必須在續領牌費前進行檢驗 (例如︰2009年出廠私家車於2016年開始必須檢驗)。如果你的私家車已經出廠滿6年而將要在4個月內續領牌費,就可以到本中心進行檢驗。在檢定合格後,我們會直接發出「車輛宜於道路上使用證明書」,之後你就可以去運輸署牌照部辦理車輛續牌手續啦!
All private car manufactured for more than 6 years are required to take a compulsory inspection in order to renew the vehicle license (e.g. private car with manufacturing year in 2009 is required to take MOT test from 2016). If your car is manufactured for more than 6 years and your license is expiring in 4 months, you can come to our Centre for inspection and get a 'Certificate of Roadworthiness' before renewing the license.
Vehicle examination fee (Private Car): $585.